Sunday, November 29, 2009

Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek

I picked up this book at NCTE and had it signed by Deborah Hopkinson (one of my favorite authors).  I was excited to add Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek: A Tall, Thin Tale to my already full carry-on!  But who can resist the sales on the last day in the exhibition hall?
     As the story goes... In 1816, Abraham Lincoln and his friend Austin traveled down to see Knob Creek after a rainstorm.  The creek was full after heavy rains and they decided to cross it on a log.  Abe fell into the swollen creek and his friend Austin saved his life.  Even as president, Abraham Lincoln remembered his friend and never forgot his promise to Austin--a promise to remember that day forever.
     I love this unique book.  Deborah Hopkinson and the illustrator, John Hendrix, create an interesting narrative... they draw you in through creative illustrations and wonderful storytelling.  I love the ending... 
     "Now we're coming to the last page.  About all that's left is to remind you of the moral of our story:  Listen to your mother and don't go near any swollen creeks.  WHAT?  Oh, you don't think that's really the point?  A mite weak, perhaps? Like Abe, a bit thin?
     Then how about this:  Remember Austin Golaher, because what we do matters, even if we don't end up in history books.
     Yes, let's remember Austine Gollaher, who, one day long ago, when no one else was there to see, saved Abe Lincoln's life.
     And without Abraham Lincoln, where would we be?

     But that's a story for another day.  Because ours, at last, is done." 
Check out Deborah Hopkinson's website:

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